Learn What’s Würth Knowing from our Youtube Series

Würth Knowing, inspired by Würth Industry North America’s industry-renowned Fastener Academy training, dives into topics related to fastener engineering, bolted joint design, and fastener assembly. From basic to complex concepts—discussion, demonstrations, testing, and even a funny story or two help us learn and understand the science behind fastening!
Join our very own Randy Lammers, Technical Instructor, and Aaron Keevan, Applications Engineer, in Randy’s Texas workshop to discover what’s Würth Knowing.
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Behind-the-Scenes Photos
Please note that COVID-19 safety precautions were observed prior to and during filming.

The Würth Knowing set is located in Randy’s home workshop near Houston, TX.

The crew on the first day of filming on December 15th, 2020.

Our hosts getting “Mic’d up” and ready for filming!

Filming part of the show’s introduction sequence outside of Randy’s workshop.
Learn More about our Hosts
Click the photos below to read their full interviews.